Driver CardThe Driver card is the same size as the current photocard driving licence, and if you hold a photocard licence, the DVLA can use the photo and signature details that you have already provided for the Driver Smart Card. If you still have a paper licence, then you will need to supply supporting ID documents and a Photo. Full details are given in the application packs which are available from the DVLA, DVLA local Offices,DVLA Testing Stations or ourselves. You can apply for a card up to three months in advance, however it may be wise to be prepared, e.g if you need to drive a hire vehicle it may have a digital tachograph fitted.
You can only be in possession of one card at a time. You are only authorised to use your own card, and must not use one that has expired, been replaced, or is defective. The card is valid for 5 years. If it is lost or stolen within that time, a new card will be issued with the same expiry date as the original. If your card is lost or stolen you must apply for another immediatley, before undertaking any driving.
You can drive for no more than 15 days in the event of a card being lost or stolen, and must make a print out of your activities at the end of each duty. The company must document that the card is lost, and that a replacement has been applied for before they let you drive.
You may not drive if you simply forget your card - although it is possible to still drive the vehicle, it is an offence, and your employer will be prosecuted if they allow you to drive without a card. The Tachograph Unit stores details of all activities undertaken, including activities without a card inserted, and this information is stored on the unit for 365 days. Your card can be withdrawn if it is found to have been used by someone else, been falsified in any way, or was obtained using false declarations or documents.
Click here for DVSA Guide On How To Apply For A New Digital Tachograph Card If It Is Lost Or Stolen
Company CardThe Company card is the key to the digital tachograph unit.
It will hold identification data for the company. Once you receive your new vehicle, you should insert your company card prior to any driving being done. The Company card stores on the Digital Tachograph (the VU) the name of the company, along with other data such as the card number and country of issue. The card then locks this information which prevents another operator from looking at it. This is especially important in the case of a hire vehicle, or when the vehicle is sold, as it prevents potential competitors from viewing your shift petterns and drivers details etc. Data is stored on the VU for 365 days. You need to insert the company card to download the data stored on the VU on a regular basis. This is a legal requirement. The data must be stored in its original encrypted format for two years so that DVLA can carry out their checks. Our software will enable you to store the Data in the specified format. We will also store your data in a secure off-site storage unit for at least two years, giving you peace of mind in the event that (for example) your computer would fail for any reason.
Click here to apply for a digital tachograph company card |
Working for Two or More Employers or Another OrganisationIf a mobile worker works for two or more employers, then the weekly working time is the combined total of the hours worked (excluding breaks, rest or POA) for all employers. The mobile worker has a legal obligation to inform their employer in writing, of any time worked for another employer. Remember that the Eu tachograph rules must still be adhered to.
However time spent on voluntary activities (e.g. driving a vehicle in a carnival) does not count towards the working time limits and, as previously stated, neither does voluntary work with the Reserve Forces, being a retained firefighter or being a Special Constable.
Control Card The Control card is only issued to DVSA examiners and Police. It will be used at roadside checks to obtain printouts of infringements over the last 365 days, and to see details of the driver's duties for that, or any other day.
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Phone: 01434 322879