.jpg) Key Features
Download both driver cards and vehicle unit files
Data is automatically analysed and ready to view
Save time and admin cost
Stay compliant
Driver Decision Support (DDS) shows real-time driver information from the tachograph such as current mode, remaining drive time, next daily rest due etc.
Set up and managed by TMS Cumbria
 Peace of Mind
Downloading drivers and vehicles can be time consuming and costly as it takes up a lot of admin time. With our remote downloading solution, you can take away the hassle.
No more worries to remember downloading your driver cards and vehicle unit files with our fully automated remote downloading solution.
Once setup, your driver cards and vehicles will be downloaded daily and the data will automatically be pushed to our analysis platform ready to view instantly.
Download schedules can be customised to meet company requirements.
Contact Us either by contact us button at top of page or details below:
W. Hamilton TMS Cumbria Ltd Unit 3 Station Court Haltwhistle, Northumberland . NE49 9HN United Kingdom
Phone: 01434 322879
Email: info@tmscumbria.co.uk