If you are planning to buy a new vehicle after the 1st May 2006 then you will need to apply for a Company Card. You will also need a Driver Card if you will be driving the vehicle, otherwise you will need to get your Driver(s) to apply for their cards.
Even if you are not buying a vehicle yet, you should consider what would happen if you were to need to hire a vehicle (possibly fitted with a digi tacho) in the event of a breakdown for example. We feel that it is in all companies best interest to apply for their cards as soon as possible so that they are prepared for any eventuality. Company cards and Driver cards each cost £32 from the DVLA and are valid for 5 years. We have a small quantity of the necessary application packs should you need them. Our senior analysts have undertaken training on the use of the Digital Tachograph and will be able to assist you with any problems or queries you may have.
The requirements will not change drastically. Fleets and drivers will still need to comply with Driver's Hours Legislation and the Working Time Directive. Digital data will still need to be downloaded, stored and analysed. However the new tachograph will contain new features that do not exist in the current tachograph. The main difference will be that the new "smart" tachographs will have a GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) mondule which will record the vehicle's location at the start and end of a journey and this will update every three hours. Road Enforement Officers will be able to communicate remotely with the smart tachograph using a radio device, without having to stop the vehicle. They will receive information from the unit on possible infringements. Certain other data will be transmitted, for example vehicle calibration data, but no personal driver information will be sent, e.g. names or addresses.
Tachograph data will still need to be stored and analysed and this will include the new GNSS data, improved ferry mode information and the recording of events and faults. Transport operators need to check that their download tools can receive the new data. Pleas be aware that some of the very early devices may not be compatible with the new generation tachographs, even with an update. Transport Operators will need to ensure they obtain new company cards if they have smart tachographs ob their fleet. Eventually all current driver cards will be phased out and drivers will receive a new tachograph driver card that will record the additional information from the smart tachographs. The new card will work in all tachograph, including current models. Drivers will still be able to use their current cars in the new smart tachographs but the new information derived from the smart tachograph will not be registered on their card.
Contact Us either by contact us button at top of page or details below:
W. Hamilton TMS Cumbria Ltd Unit 3 Station Court Haltwhistle, Northumberland . NE49 9HN United Kingdom
Phone: 01434 322879
Email: info@tmscumbria.co.uk |